HIGH - Non-Commercial License
Y Non-commercial personal use (as an individual, student or freelancer)
- y For personal purposes as part of a set in a portfolio, schoolwork or presentations.
- y For Internet publications or printings where the images are a part of personal content such as a portfolio, presentation, personal page, blog, social networking page.
- y For Internet publications or printings that promotes your own work or services, as an individual or freelancer.
- y For editorial use as part of a publication for any media, since it does not promote a brand or product.
- y As a wall-art and not for sale, with decorative purposes for a private place.
- r Uses that promotes any kind of brand or product are prohibited.
Y Non-commercial business use (as a company, corporation or small business owner)
- y For internal use within your company or client as part of presentations or studies, where the images may not be publicly disclosed in any printed or digital media.
- y As a wall-art and not for sale, with decorative purposes in commercial space without public circulation.
- y For editorial use as part of a publication for any media, since it does not promote a brand or product.
- r Uses that promotes your brand or product on internet or public spaces are prohibited.
If you have any doubt or need a custom license with specific rights, please contact us.
To know more about the usage rules, please check Terms & Conditions.